Kaléidoscope maîtrisé d’influences éparses et vastes, l’univers très personnel de Pepe Wismeer – duo vivant dans les Ardennes emmené par Anne-Laure Therme et Damien Van Lede – manie l’épure, la délicatesse, le minimalisme depuis 1999 en une vingtaine d’albums, tous relativement inclassables et profonds, aux confins de l’expérimental, de l’indus, de la dark-folk et de l’ambient. Dans leur univers glacial ou brûlant où se tapit un subtil mélange d’angoisse et de mélancolie, émergeant d’une multitude de sons organiques et analogiques, la voix languide, le piano et les effets parfois épiques insufflent des mélodies et des trames d’une irrésistible beauté. Nurse with Wound ne s’y est pas trompé, en les choisissant pour sa compilation de versions de Two Shaves And A Shine.
Kaleidoscope mastered by sparse and vast influences, the very personal universe of Pepe Wismeer – duo living in the Ardennes led by Anne-Laure Therme and Damien Van Lede – has been handling the purity, the delicacy, the minimalism since 1999 in about twenty albums, all relatively unclassifiable and deep, on the borders of experimental, industrial, dark-folk and ambient. In their icy or hot universe where a subtle mixture of anguish and melancholy crouches, emerging from a multitude of organic and analog sounds, the languid voice, the piano and the sometimes epic effects breathe melodies and frames of a irresistible beauty. Nurse With Wound was right, choosing them for its compilation of versions of Two Shaves And A Shine.
Pepe Wismeer / Thierry Müller
L’écho des chiens dans le sang de la tactique
CD 1
L’écho des chiens dans le sang de la tactique
1. Et l´on fera venir les chiens (4:12)
2. I exteem (4:35)
3. I am Azon (2:10
4. Le sang d´un orchestre (6:28)
5. Les choses ont gagné (5:02)
6. Alice in a use (4:52)
7. Even Eve (4:03)
8. Exanatellein (3:27)
9. Pulsyciety (4:21)
10. The ghost ship in the ocean of my brain (5:15)
11. Unicyconic icon (4:34)
12. Izaïda (2:09)
CD 2 (Bonus CD)
No Re Re Night Fever – volume 7
1. No Re Re Night Fever – part 1 (22:44)
2. No Re Re Night Fever – part 2 (20:04)
CD 1 written and performed by Anne-Laure Therme, Damien Van Lede, Thierry Müller.
Anne-Laure Therme: keyboards, piano, theremin on 5, vocals on 8.
Damien Van Lede: vocals, electric guitar, samples, percussion, a few keyboards and bass on 10.
Thierry Müller: electric & acoustic guitars, bass, keyboards, synthesizers, percussion, drums programing, samples.
Guests. Milena Dryther-Lerru: strings on 9 / Alexandre Laurent: saxophone on 11
Recorded by Damien Van Lede (Pepe Wismeer’s home) and Thierry Müller (ilitchmusic) between April and November 2019.
Mixed by Pepe Wismeer and Thierry Müller.
Mastered by Alexis Bardinet – Globe Audio.
CD 2. Improvisation recorded live at Pepe Wismeer’s home (August 24, 25, 26, 2019) without any re-recording.
Anne-Laure Therme: keyboards, piano, theremin
Damien Van Lede: vocals, electric guitar, samples
Thierry Müller: electric guitar
Isidore: vocal intervention on part 2
Recorded by Thierry Müller, edited and mixed by Damien Van Lede
Mastered by Alexis Bardinet – Globe Audio
Produced by Pepe Wismeer and Thierry Müller
Photos and graphic design: Thierry Müller
Obsküre, Prémonition, ArtRock, Vital Weekly, À découvrir absolument, Kaput Brain Webzine, Soul Kitchen, Musiczine, IRM